Thursday 30 January 2014

Dieter Rams

Dieter Rams is an industrial designer born in the year 1932 in Germany. His inspirations were his grandfather who worked as a carpenter. In 1955 he applied for a job at the German electrical products company named Braun. His job in this company was to remodel the interiors of the company and was a protection "protege" to very important people in the Ulm School of Design, Hans Gugelot, Fritz Eichler and Otl Aicher. He instantly was elaborated in product design where he added a clear perspex into this radiogram which was produced in the year 1956, known as SK4 radiogram shown below.

From the years 1961 till 1995 he became head of design at the Braun Company. Since like I mentioned before, his job was remodelling of the interiors he produced this sketch as an initial to his first year at the Braun Company in 1955.

He wanted to design furniture besides the main job he had so he asked Erwin Braun if he could design for Niels Vitsoe and Otto Zapf and he specifically replied "Yes, It will help the market for our radios". In 1960, which was a year later since he asked permission to Erwin, the wall-mounted shelving system shown at the back of the initial sketch was produced. 

Rams focused on “increasing and irreversible shortage of natural resources”, believed that "good design can only come from an understanding of people, Rams asked designers – indeed, everyone – to take more responsibility for the state of the world around them." 
“I imagine our current situation will cause future generations to shudder at the thoughtlessness in the way in which we today fill our homes, our cities and our landscape with a chaos of assorted junk."
He became known worldwide due to his exhibitions.

Vitsoe, 2014, Dieter Rams [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed at: 25 January 2014]

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