Like I said he made part of the Sans-Serif Typography. The experiments he used to do in his typography were a "deliberate attempt to express the spirit of the new era". He designed a twenty-five page booklet called: 'Feste des Lebens und der Kunst: eine Betrachtung des Theaters als höchsten Kultursymbols' which means: 'Celebration of Life and Art; A Consideration of the Theater as the Highest Symbol of a Culture.' Later on, the Sans-Serif typography was developed by a company who's inspirations were Typography of the Twentieth-Century. The name of the Company is The Berthold Foundry. They designed a group; 'family' of ten different types with different line weights from the original font.
This remained as an inspiration till the Post War period.
Moving on to some other work of Peter Behrens, I researched on some teapots he designed. They are all worked in metal material, possibly cheap brass and aluminum. They are all similar to each other.
- Inkling, 2009, 'Peter Behrens and the New Objectivity' [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.inkling.com/read/history-of-graphic-design-philip-meggs-5th/chapter-12/peter-behrens-and-the-new [Accessed at: 10th January 2014]
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